About Our Company

Our Company purchase kickstarts an infrastructure of giving that gets
product in the hand of those who need it.

Founder's Name

Meet Khushal Katdare, the visionary founder behind a groundbreaking startup that is helping the today's women for using hygenic products. With a passion for technology and a keen eye for innovation, Khushal embarked on his entrepreneurial journey in 2022, determined to carve a niche in the competitive world of start up. He has completed IT Engineering in 2023 with the startup started in the year 2022. and Registered their company as Nishkaam Innovations LLP in 2023. with many patents and copyright.

Founder Image
CO-Founder Image

Co-Founder's Name

Introducing the dynamic co-founder of our pioneering startup, Khushal Katdare, alongside his esteemed partner Foram Kundalia. Together, they form an unstoppable duo, combining their expertise and vision to propel their venture to new heights.

Foram Kundalia brings a wealth of experience and a fresh perspective to the table, complementing Khushal's innovative spirit with strategic insight and industry knowledge. With a shared passion for technology and a shared commitment to excellence, they have forged a formidable partnership that drives the success of their startup.

& Vision

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Mission Image

Welcome to Nishkaa Innovations, Nishkaam Innovations is a startup that is working on converting agricultural waste (those burning stubbles) into biodegradable products.

Our mission is to reduce agricultural waste and promote sustainable practices. We strive to provide innovative solutions for managing and repurposing waste in the agricultural sector. Agriculture waste poses a significant environmental challenge, and we are committed to addressing this issue through responsible and eco-friendly methods.

At our company , we believe in delivering the best to our customers. Our team is dedicated to curating a diverse range of products, ensuring there's something for everyone.

We have developed a technology to convert agricultural waste into biodegradable products. we produce Food Packaging Products, Tableware, and other products. all them are 100% biodegradable